Triple A Challenge Day #11
30 Plank Jacks with Mini Band 20 Miniband Bicycle Crunch (10 per side) 30 Wall Sit with Biceps Curls 10 Mini-Band Concentration Curls (10...

Triple A Challenge Week 2
Today is the start of week 2 of the Triple A Challenge (Abs, Arms and Attitude).

Triple A Challenge End of Week 1
The end of week 1 for the Triple A Challenge

Triple A Challenge Day 4
Today is a day of rest, but there is still a challenge ahead for you. Express gratitude to at least one person in your life. I am sure...

Chia Berry Pudding
It's been a while since I posted a recipe. I have a long list of recipes to post over the next few weeks. I have done quite a bit of...

Triple A Challenge Week 1
Triple A Challenge
Day 1
Pilates Hundred
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Russian Twists (10 each side)
30 Biceps Curls
15 Bench or Stair Triceps Dip

Introduction to the Triple A Challenge
Introduction to the Triple A Challenge

Wingman's Triple A Challenge
Triple A = Abs, Arms and Attitude
Take a peek at the links below. This is your homework for the Triple A Challenge.
I will post Week 1 Cha