Wisdom Wednesday: The Power of Choice
Each day, life presents us with a blank canvas, a new opportunity to paint our experiences with the vivid colors of our decisions. I was...

Philosophical Friday: Nourishing Reflections
Last night we had an enjoyable conversation about Food Justice. I want to thank everyone who joined the conversation and left empowered...

Consistency Post: June 17, 2023
Day 30 Meals, Movement, Mindset, Sleep (3MS) 🙏 Today, I am grateful for my body and its ability to take me to new places. 😄 The...

Mindset Monday: Gratitude and Thankfulness
I love Mel Robbins. Sometimes I think she must have a direct line to my brain….or my Alexa! I was having a text conversation with a...

Consistency Post: June 10, 2023
Day 23 Meals, Movement, Mindset, Sleep (3MS) 🙏 Today, I am grateful for being part of an incredible community of Vegan Superheroes ever!...

Mindset Monday – Keep Your Dreams Alive
When was the last time you looked at your vision board? Does it truly reflect your dreams, what is important to you, what you want to...

Consistency Post: June 4, 2023
Meals, Movement, Mindset, Sleep (3MS) 🙏 Today, I am grateful for technology. There are so many things that I take for granted that were...

Consistency Post: June 1, 2023
Day 14: Meals, Movement, Mindset, Sleep (3MS) 🙏 Today, I am grateful for hitting 14 days on my consistency streak! 😄 The highlight of...