The Gains Beyond the Scale
"It is not about what you lose, but about what you gain." In today's health-focused landscape, it's easy to become obsessed with numbers:...

Embracing Strength and Adaptability
Do you know that feeling when you are reading a book or listening to a podcast and you can’t wait to share it with others, if only to...

Mindset Monday: Gratitude and Thankfulness
I love Mel Robbins. Sometimes I think she must have a direct line to my brain….or my Alexa! I was having a text conversation with a...

Consistency Post: May 7, 2023
Wingman's Meals, Movement, Mindset, Sleep (3MS) 🙏 Today, I am grateful for enjoying the company of incredible friends. 😄 The highlight...
Two Day Symposium on Lifestyle Management!!
In November 2022 we had the opportunity to host Dr. Daniel Ganu on the Perfectly Pl@nted podcast. During our conversation Dr. Ganu shared...

Walk with Wingman #5 National Fruits and Veggies Month
How many fruits and vegetables do you eat a day? A week? You may have read books by several amazing authors such as Dr. B (Dr. Will B)...

SAVE Yourself - Walking with Wingman
Walking is a wonderful way to relax. Today we chat about 4 (four) tips on how to walk safely and how to SAVE yourself from harm. SAVE =...

Did you have time for a 5-minute walk today? I hope so. More to follow as I figure out a regular schedule for our Sunday strolls....

Wingman's Monthly Update
I feel like it's been ages since I provided an update. So much has been going on that I don't seem to have time to put in all down in...

REACHN for Health
This week the Perfectly Pl@nted team had the pleasure of interviewing one of their own. Dr. Daphne Bascom is the Vice President for...