Abs, Arms, Attitude: Triple A Challenge Day 28
Thank you for joining me on this 28 day challenge. I hope you enjoyed the program as much as I did. It is always exciting to set and...

Triple A Challenge Days 26 & 27
Ok, secret confession. When I want a good belly laugh I will turn on "America's Funniest Home Videos". It is a program I remember...

Lessons Learned - Triple A Challenge Day 25
What can you learn from the challenges you are facing? It could be a challenge related to COVID-19. It could be a physical or mental...

What Fills YOU with Joy?
Happy Memorial Day! I want to humbly thank all of those who have paid the ultimate price defending all that we all hold dear. Today is...

Triple A Challenge Day 22
Well, I am going to torture you a little bit this week and post each day's challenge rather than have them post for the entire week. I...
Dance Like Nobody's Watching
Friday! Triple A Challenge Day #20. Rest Day. Those of you who attend CardiYo or have watched any of my YouTube exercise videos have...

Triple A Challenge Day 19
Today your goal is to deliver on a promise to yourself. Whether this means taking 5 minutes to meditate or scheduling your workouts for...

Abs, Arms & Attitude Challenge Week 3
Today begins week #3 of the Triple A Challenge. How are you doing? Questions? Pictures to share of you and your family/friends...

Triple A Challenge Day 14
30 Plank Jacks with Mini Band 20 Miniband Bicycle Crunch (10 per side) 30 Wall Sit with Biceps Curls 10 Mini-Band Concentration Curls (10...

Introduction to the Triple A Challenge
Introduction to the Triple A Challenge