Hotel Gym Review: Holiday Inn Orange County
Hotel: Holiday Inn Orange County Location: 23131 Lake Center Dr, Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA After my Orlando trip I had a quick jump...

Hotel Gym Review: Towne Place Suites Orlando at SeaWorld
Overall, I was able to get in three great workouts at the Towne Place Suites at SeaWorld. The score above is reflective of my gener

Dress for Success
I am often asked why I only wear dresses. There are three main reasons (in order of importance) Avoiding bathroom cooties while...

Monday Morning Motivation
I love to start the week off with a good meditation session....in the gym! In the wee hours of the morning I have the fitness center all...

Road Warrior Wellness Tip - Fashion and Comfort
Traveling can sometimes require a balance between being fashionable and being comfortable. I don't know about you, but I have reached a...