12 Days of Fitness Day #1: Planks
On the first day of Fitness
My Y Coach gave to me
One minute planking by the tree.
The plank is a simple and effective body weight exercise that you can do anywhere. In the plank position you are forced to hold your body in a position that engages the core (abdominal muscles), shoulders, arms and glutes. When you become fatigued or if your core is a little weak it is easy to use suboptimal form. Don’t do it!! Check your form in the mirror or ask a fitness friend to make sure that you are performing the exercise correctly. Below are links to two videos to help illustrate how to plank correctly.
Elbow plank vs. Full plank: https://www.popsugar.co.uk/fitness/Elbow-Plank-vs-Full-Plank-44085364
Plank on Bodybuilding.com: https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/plank