A Very Fine Veganuary
Happy Monday! I hope you are doing well. As the year draws to a close it is a wonderful time to reflect on the year. 2020 was quite a year.
I learned quite a bit about myself and the world around me in 2020. Some of what I learned I already knew but was able to explore in greater detail. I learned many new things. My head and my heart hurt from the pain that has impacted family, friends and our country. Part of my journey has been to explore the positive aspects of 2020. I have reconnected with friends. I rediscovered my joy of running. I focused on my physical and mental health. I was able to spend time supporting community initiatives that inspire me. There are many more things that I have been tracking in my journal (another new habit in 2020).
What is on your gratitude list today?
On my run on Sunday I was listening to the Model Health Show and an interview with Shaun T. During the interview Shaun T asked "...What is your superpower? ...... Just what do you do great every single day? What do you provide to this world, to your family, to your kids, to your job?......What are the things that you do every single day that really helps you believe that who you are is your true self?" A great reflection for a long morning run. What is YOUR superpower?
I would like to invite those of you reading this post to join me on an adventure for the month of January. This mission, should you choose to accept it, involves adding to your superpowers by adding more plants to your plate. Yes, I am inviting you to join me in celebrating Veganuary!! Veganuary does not mean that you have to give up your current favorite foods. It is an opportunity to learn how to add more plants to your plate while also exploring the impact that eating more plant-forward can have on your health, animals and the environment. I will be posting an interview with a close friend and sharing some of her favorite pantry items. I also plan to provide an update on some of the new tech that I have been exploring (some new like the CGM, some older like my Oura). It's been quite a while since we did a deep dive into Daphne's Data :-)
I have so many DRAFT blog posts that I need to finish and my goal for 2021 is to convert them from DRAFT to LIVE!!! Some of them may become vlogs simply for the sake of time.
If you are wanting to learn more about the health benefits of piling plants on your plate (yes, I love alliteration), please read the 2020 Veganuary Report. I am excited to continue to share my thoughts with you in 2021. If there are topics of interest, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments box or you can email or text me your thoughts.
Be well,
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Twitter: @DaphneBascom
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