Last Fall I had the incredible opportunity to see an early release of The Game Changers Movie while attending the 2018 American College of Lifestyle Medicine Annual Conference. I was captivated from the beginning to the end of the movie. And I plan to see it again.
If you have been following my journey over the past decade, from my original BuffnTuffFitness Blog to my current blog (Wingman Wellness), you have probably seen a transformation in my personal thoughts and approach to nutrition over the years. There is a lot of "Bro Science" and I admit to following the trends and not the evidence for years. I made some significant changes this year and I will share more about my personal journey in a future blog post. There has been a lot of press about the nutritional habits of several professional athletes. In my mind, we are all athletes at some level and can learn from their experience. Whether you are looking for ways to stay healthy, become healthy if you are managing a chronic disease (arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, etc) or if you are trying to improve your personal athletic performance there is something for everyone in this movie. Nutrition back by science. What more can a gal ask for?
I also appreciate that the movie explores the relationship between what we eat and the environment. This was eye opening to me and has contributed to my "Why" regarding my personal nutrition.
My goal today is to strongly encourage you to find two hours tomorrow to view The Game Changers movie. I don't know if there are still tickets in the KC area (or wherever you may be reading this) but take a look on the website. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did. Feel free to share your comments below.