Pain in the ..................!!
Plaza 10K Prep Journal VII
Foot! Pain in the Foot!
Gotcha, didn’t I 😊! LOL! I hope you are having a wonderful start to the week.

Let me start with some wonderful updates. The Plaza 10K on September 13th will have an in-person option (yeah!!!). There will be a limited number of runners allowed on the physical course. I don’t have any specifics on how many but I encourage you to check out the Race Info page on the Plaza 10K website. There is no cap on the virtual registrations so I would encourage you to sign up and enjoy the run in your local neighborhood. The race benefits Saint Luke’s Home Care and Hospice House. Only 13 days to go……gulp!!
I was glad to review the literature and find that the incidence or an achilles tendon re-rupture is low. My left achilles continues to let me know that it’s there. More frequent stretching and rolling on my Yamuna ball has helped; it is a chronic issue and I will continue to make sure I don’t reinjure before the race.
Just when I thought all was good I develop a blister on my right pinky toe. A blister is caused by friction and can be exacerbated by many factors such as a faster pace, poor-fitting shoes, foot abnormalities and more. Of course, my assumption is that my blazing fast pace is the cause of my blister malady 😊 LOL! I have never experienced a blister before and if anyone had shared with me how much they hurt I would probably not have believed them. I will spare you the gruesome pictures I shared with my close friends but darn, that hurt! I resorted to my recollections from first aid and treated it with TLC to pop the blister and reduce the risk of infection. I think I have discovered and remedied the factor(s) that caused the blister and have been training with minimal pain for the past 2 days.
Despite the discomfort I did not miss a training day. It is amazing how the brain can suppress discomfort which you are focused on achieving a goal. The 10K runner app has been an incredible coach for the past few months. Since I have never run a race longer than 800 meters, I had no idea how to train. I also have to thank the Exam Room Podcast and the Rich Roll Podcast for providing such wonderful content and inspiration during my runs.

How is your prep progressing for the Plaza 10K? I hope to see you there!
Be well.
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