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Plant Powered Physique - Peak Week Part I

There are many awesome plant powered athletes that are sharing their story. Their efforts and the lessons they have shared have helped me enormously on my journey. In this post I want to share some thoughts on the final week of my competition prep. In an upcoming post I will share the outcome from the event and more about competition day.

First, I need to thank so many people who helped me over the past year. First and foremost is my "hubby", best friend and biggest supporter Mr K. He has endured more than most partners would over the years. He jumped on board when I became plant-based and has been learning with me along the way. My friends and work family have also been more than supportive and I want to thank them too. Finally, I want to thank Team Bombshell (#bombshellfitness) and my Coach Hope Gonzalez. Hope has been an incredible supporter, coach and mentor and I look forward to my next adventure with Team Bombshell and my other Bombshell Sister.

As you know if you follow my blog (yes, I have been awol, I apologize!) I love to train and compete. It's been a challenge with balancing my aspirations with my life responsibilities so this year I only hit the stage once. So what was my peak week like? Read on to learn more about this journey.

Day 8: Friday, October 18

3:30 am - wake up, take Synthroid

4:00 am - head to Gym for cardio & light toning

6:00 am - head home to prep for the day, jump on scale for daily weigh in

7:00 am - off to work

5:00 pm - head to get myself waxed. A bikini wax is not painful for those of you who have never had one, if it is done well. My aesthetician at European Wax Center in Leawood did an awesome job.

7:00 pm - posing practice in my apartment. This might be the night that my neighbors finally had enough and banged on the ceiling to stop the madness (heels, wood floor and apartment living....a challenge!).

9:00 pm - bed time

Day 7: Saturday, October 19

3:30 am - alarm goes off every day at the same time. I need to update my blog on the Oura ring I have been using for the past several months.

4:30 am - chop veggies for the week, roast squash

5:00 am - posing practice and progress pics in my apartment (tippy toes and barefoot)

7:30 am - head to gym

10:00 am - grocery shopping and pick up odds and ends that I need for travel the following week. I needed to find something that was high in protein and that could travel well so I purchased some of the Alpha Foods Grilled Chik'n. These strips are awesome. No, they are not whole food. Yes the sodium content is a little higher than I would like. However, they are tasty, convenient and do not cause me any gas or bloating.

12:00 pm - finish meal prep, laundry, email, household chores

4:00 pm - cardio #2

6:00 pm - date night

10:00 pm - bed time

Stocking up the freezer

Day 6: Sunday, October 20

I won't bore you with the gory details of my Sunday but it mirrors Saturday except for the fact that my meal prep was complete and the extra time I used to work.

8:30 pm - bed time

Day 5: Monday, October 21

3:30 am - wake up, take Synthroid, jump out of bed

4:00 am - off to Genesis

6:00 am - run home to prep for the day, jump on scale for daily weigh in

7:00 am - off to work

5:00 pm - back to Genesis to hit the step mill. My favorite cardio :-)

6:00 pm - head home, last meal for the day

9:00 pm - bed time

Why all of this detail? Partly just to share the journey and to document for myself, but also to provide insight into the life of a physique competitor. It is different for everyone, that is certain. This is my journey and my attempt to integrate life and work.

That's it for today. I will update the final countdown and the outcome from the 2019 IFBB Pro League Masters Baltimore Pro in another post.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.



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