Plaza 10K Prep Journal V
Only 42 days until the Plaza 10K. Prep is going well. If you want to learn more about the race head over to their website. There is a virtual 10K option that is available too!

I am still using the 10K Runner app. I like structure and this app is providing me with a nice framework for my training. I had never used anything like this before so I was a little skeptical at first, but we're getting it done! I was surprised when I looked at the stats this morning. It might not be much to those of you who are regular runners but for this old lady I am very happy!!

There are some things I am missing during this period of personal distancing. I could use a deep, deep tissue massage for my glutes and hamstrings. In lieu of this I am foam rolling and stretching daily. I keep my foam roller on the floor by the TV and I roll whenever I take time to watch the news. My only other training related issue is my left achilles. As I shared on a prior blog post, I had a complete achilles tear around 1997 and had a primary repair. I have always been very careful to pay attention when either of my achilles start to ache to I have been giving them a little extra TLC. Stretch, stretch, stretch is my goal for the next 6 weeks.
I know many of you had race goals for this year that were impacted by the COVID crisis. Have you started planning for 2021? What is keeping you motivated? SMART goals are my mantra. What are your health and wellness SMART goals for 2020?
Be well, friends.
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Twitter: @DaphneBascom