Triple A Challenge Week 1

Today is day #1 of the challenge. I have provided you with a video of the exercises in case you need some company to complete the fitness portion of the challenge. I did not film myself doing the Pilates Hundred. Please link to one of the videos below to review or check out my blog post from May 1.
Day 1
Pilates Hundred
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Russian Twists (10 each side)
30 Biceps Curls
15 Bench or Stair Triceps Dips
15 Triceps Push Ups
Attitude: No complaining 😊 Go a full day without a single complaint
Most of this challenge you can do with body weight and minimal equipment. I used my WODFitters bands for the biceps curls. You can use bands, dumbbells, water bottles, soup cans....anything you have around the house. Please, please, when doing the bench/stair dips use a fixed object.
Today's Attitude challenge is to go a full day without complaining. YOU CAN DO IT!! Instead of complaining think about the positive aspect of what might be bothering you and turn your thoughts into something constructive. This is a great challenge to share with your family and friends, especially since many are feeling the stress of the current stay at home orders. I have provided a link to an article below on some effective tips to stop complaining. It's a quick read, enjoy!
No laughing at the video quality. I am slowly trying to improve!!
How Not to Complain
Pilates Hundred
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