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Triple A Challenge Day 22

Well, I am going to torture you a little bit this week and post each day's challenge rather than have them post for the entire week. I think that is only suitable for the final week, don't you?

Week 4 starts a new round of exercises. They should all be familiar to you by now, I have just varied the volume.

  • 50 Mountain Climbers

  • 30 Curl and Press

  • 20 Bench or Stair Triceps Dips

  • 20 Triceps Push Ups

  • 30 Russian Twists (15 each side)

  • 50 Plank Jacks with Mini Band

Links to instructional videos on how to perform each of the exercises is at the end of this post. As always, please don't compromise form. I would rather you decrease the number of reps and perform with good form than do 20 reps with poor form. When you get to be my age (ahem!) you have to be careful, but the only way I have been able to get to my age without a major injury is by checking my ego at the door. Form first and foremost.

Today's attitude challenge is a simple one:

Attitude: Print out a positive quote you love and pin it on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator or put it on or near your desk as a daily reminder.

Those of you who know me, live near me or work with me know that I love positive quotes. I have a positive quote on my apartment door, on my refrigerator, on my desk, on my mug! LOL! The power of positivity in these quotes is real. "Wake Up and Be Awesome" is a great reminder as I drink morning hot water. "No Better Time Than Now" on my desk reminds me that it won't pay to wait for the "perfect" time to tackle a new challenge. On my fridge I have "A Strong Woman vs A Woman of Strength".

Please feel free to share your positive quote in the comments below.

Have a wonderful day!


Daphne's Video for Triple A Challenge music, no talking, just lots of heavy breathing. I will improve! LOL!



Mountain Climbers:

Curl and Press

Plate Curl and Press:

Bench or Stair Triceps Dips:

Triceps Push Ups

Plank Jacks with Mini Band


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Twitter: @DaphneBascom



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