Triple A Challenge Week 2

Today is the start of week 2 of the Triple A Challenge (Abs, Arms and Attitude). If you are new to the challenge you can review the introductory video and week #1 of the challenge. This challenge is between YOU and YOU. Set your SMART goals based on your level of health. The challenge goals can flex up and down to meet your needs.
The physical activity part of the challenge has changed a bit for this week.
30 Plank Jacks with Mini Band
20 Miniband Bicycle Crunch (10 per side)
30 Wall Sit with Biceps Curls
10 Mini-Band Concentration Curls (10 each side)
20 Triceps Push Ups
20 Plank Up-Downs
Attitude: Changes daily. Check the challenge handout for details
I have structured the exercises for this challenge to accommodate #stayathome. If you have access to bands or dumbbells please use them to complete the exercises. If you don't have access to gym equipment you can use cans of soup or water bottles for added resistance. Let's get creative :-) You can review my version of the exercises in the short video below (no laughing at my videography). Alternatively, in the Challenge handout attached to this post I have provided links that will show you how to safely perform each exercise.
There are two rest days this week, today (Sunday) and Thursday. There are no day's off for the Attitude challenge. You'll notice that some days have two attitude challenges. This is my hope that you will start to adopt some of these lifestyle changes on a more regular basis.
Today is Mother's Day. For those of you who are able to spend time with your Mom (in-person or remotely) please enjoy each and every moment. Too often we take our time with loved ones for granted. For those of you who are mom's (to human babies or fur babies) Happy Mother's Day!
Triple A Challenge Week 2 Video (9 min)
Triple A Challenge Week 2 Handout
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