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Walking with Wingman

So, it's not like walking on sunshine but I hope that you enjoy the chat!

I've been listening to podcast interviews with Colin O'Brady and really taking to heart what he and his wife Jenna share about limiting beliefs. It's easy to think, "I can't", "I don't have the time", "I don't have the energy". I have twelve draft blog posts that I need to finish. I have meal prep. I have laundry to do. I must prepare for next week's podcast. The list goes on.

I have been wanting to use Streamyard to launch Walks with Wingman for months. I kept telling myself that I didn't have time. Is this just a limiting belief? I wondered. So today, I just pressed play.

Now what, you ask? That's a good question. How about starting with one walk a week? Or walks on Saturdays and Sundays? My goal is to find a way to connect with friends, family, anyone who might need some motivation to move, even if it is for 5 minutes. I had fun and I hope you did too.

Until next time, be well.




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