Yes, You Can!

Happy Monday!!
I wanted to start the week with an affirmation for you to say to yourself the next time you look in the mirror: Yes, You Can!
Persistence is the choice to continue something, despite difficulty and struggle to achieve that goal. This could be running a race, tackling a challenging hike or trying to optimize your health (physical and mental) despite all of life’s challenges.
Persistence is a developed state of mind, much like grit. It is the hallmark of accomplishment since persistent people can push through setbacks and roadblocks when pursuing a goal. It is why we always discuss plans A, B and sometimes even C. Having a strong connection with your WHY can support your ability to be persistent and to have the will to succeed despite the challenges you might face.
I view persistence and grit as a Venn diagram. Grit is having true passion and perseverance to achieve meaningful goals. It is the ability to persist in something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles. It is about having direction and commitment. It is about believing that you can achieve your goals. When you have this passion, you can stay committed to a task that may be challenging physically, mentally and/or emotionally.
Take a moment today to reflect on your WHY. Do you have a plan A/B/C to overcome challenges you might encounter in reaching your goal? Take a moment to read the Daily Motivator below titled “Yes You Can.” I believe in you. Now you need to believe in yourself.
Daily Motivator: